Automate Invoice Data Extraction
  • 🧾 Extract details and line items from Invoices
  • 📃 Create your own AI parsers to extract Invoices
  • ✉️ Automate extraction using API or Email forwarding
Extracting data from documents

See DocumentPro in Action

Built for any Invoice data extraction use case

Extract vendor details and line items. Automate invoice processing, expense management and accounts payables.
Commercial Invoices
Select commercial invoices from merged PDFs and extract invoice data to speed up import clearance processes.
Proforma Invoices
Extract key order or quotation information from proforma invoices to automate processes.
Utility Bills
Handle long itemized invoices from from telecom, water, electricity and waste management bills.

And thousands of other custom use cases

Powerful capabilities for Invoice data capture

Handle Many Formats, Languages and Layouts

DocumentPro parsers combines OCR technology with advanced AI models to accurately interpret and extract relevant data from any Invoice document.
  • Supports 50+ languages
  • Handles any Invoice layout
  • Handles PDFs, JPGs, PNGs, TIFFs
  • Extracts details and line items

Learn more about AI Parsers

Powerful API Platform

Leverage our REST API and webhooks to create powerful data extraction logic from different kinds of documents. Run multiple parsers on different document pages, parse short documents, long PDFs with distinct documents, and complex PDFs like contracts and claims with ease. Possible use cases:

  • Automate data entry
  • Trigger automated workflows
  • Enhance document management

See the docs

Powerful API Platform

Handles Custom Invoice Extraction Use Cases

DocumentPro can handle various kinds of Invoice documents that you might have.

  • Extract multiple Invoices in one PDF
  • Select certain PDF pages for Invoice extraction
  • Extract Invoices long Invoices with many line items

Learn more about Page Selection

Extract Invoices from Emails and Attachments

Create forwarding emails for each of your Invoice types or vendor. Auto forward emails from your vendors directly to DocumentPro for automatic processing.

  • Extraction of Invoices from Emails
  • Extraction of Invoice attachments from Emails

Learn more about Regex Rules

Regex Rules

Reduce Invoice Processing time from 15 minutes to less than 1 minute using AI

Streamline your workflow and boost productivity with our cutting-edge AI solution.

M4Jams automates the extraction of data from vendor invoices, saving more than 90% of the time spent on manual data entry on over 2000 invoices per month.

Results: 90% time saved on 2000+ monthly invoices

Some Invoice fields you can extract

  • invoice number
  • invoice date
  • purchase order number
  • currency
  • invoice total amount
  • invoice subtotal amount
  • invoice tax rate
  • invoice total tax amount
  • seller name
  • seller address
  • seller email
  • seller phone
  • seller vat number
  • seller bank name
  • seller bank account number
  • buyer name
  • buyer address
  • buyer vat number

Line items

  • description
  • quantity
  • unit_price
  • subtotal

Need additional fields? Create a custom invoice parser in minutes

Get in Touch

Looking to automate your data extraction? Let's talk!

Suggest a feature or provide feedbackhere