🪄 Try GPT-4o for fast and accurate document data extraction
Automate data extraction with GPT powered document parsers

Extract facts and tables from your PDFs and scanned documents

Extracting data from documents

Save time, cut costs and eliminate errors on document data extraction

Simply describe the data you want to extract and connect to your favorite apps

Efficiently capture facts and tables in JSON format from various document types
  • Invoices, Receipts and POs
  • Bank Statements
  • Identity Documents
  • Tax Forms
  • Medical Forms
  • CVs and Resumes
  • Hand-written documents
  • Short Contracts
Export table columns and rows to Excel or to your favorite apps through Zapier
Coming Soon
Automatically capture information from Emails for various use cases
  • Order and booking confirmations
  • Invoices, receipts and delivery notes
  • Customer support requests
  • Leads and contacts

Jump start document automation in 3 easy steps

1. Import your Documents

DocumentPro has a variety of ways to import your documents for parsing.
Upload documents from your computer
We support PDFs, images and other common document types
Send as email attachment
Get forwarding email addresses for each of your parsers
API or Zapier
Automate document uploads using our API or connect with 5000+ Apps using Zapier
Upload Documents
Extract Data

2. Extract any Data

Simply describe the facts, tables and table columns you want to capture and DocumentPro's advanced OCR and GPT parser will do the work
Simple extraction schema
Parsers can be built in minutes by describing the structure of the document and information to capture
Advanced OCR extracts document content
DocumentPro extracts document texts and formatted tables following the exact layout of the document
GPT powered document Parsers
Structured queries on document content using GPT models result in accurate JSON data extracts

3. Integrate your Workflows

Complete your automation by exporting the extracted data to your favorite apps
Webhooks and APIs
Send parsed data to your applications in real-time using a webhook or API request
Connect to 5000+ Apps
Write parsed data directly to Apps like Google Sheets and Zoho Books with Zapier
Download to Excel
Export parsed data to Excel, CSV or JSON.
Export Data

Powerful capabilities for document data capture

GPT-Powered Parsers
GPT models understand document content and capture the information you need
Advanced OCR
Advanced OCR extracts texts and formatted tables in the exact layout of your document
Any document type
Works for documents with fixed layouts, tables, and varying structures
APIs and Webhooks
Create automations of any complexity without writing a single line of code.
Simply list the fields and tables you want to capture and let AI do the rest
Verify Data
Verify and correct extracted data before exporting to your apps
Multiple Languages
Handles documents in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.
Your data is securely stored, encrypted, and never used to train AI or GPT models.

Trusted by companies of all sizes

Join other customers and start benefitting from document automation
"I was impressed because we were able to add a few additional fields that we needed to the invoice extraction schema, and the parser extracted all the data accurately."
Principal Software Engineer
Why use DocumentPro?
Accurate GPT parsers

GPT based document parsers that can extract data from any kind of document with accuracy.

Simple pricing plans

Each pricing plan comes with a number of credits that can be used to parse documents.

Easy to use platform

DocumentPro requires no setup to get started unlike traditional OCR solutions.

Integrations and API

DocumentPro is continuously improving and adding new features to make it easier to integrate with your existing workflow.

Great customer support

Quick and helpful customer support to help you with your document parsing use cases.

Frequently asked questions
What is DocumentPro?
How do I get started?
Do you have paid plans?
Does DocumentPro need training?
What document formats does DocumentPro support?
What languages does DocumentPro support?
Does DocumentPro support handwritten documents?
What export formats does DocumentPro support?
Does DocumentPro have integrations?
Is my data secure with Document Pro?
Does DocumentPro have an API?
Let's automate your document data extraction
Looking to automate your data extraction? Let’s talk!
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